The Awards Committee was established as a means by which members who demonstrate exemplary professionalism, public service, commitment to the profession, excellence in their practice, and the highest degree of integrity, can be recognized and honored. The J. Robert Elster Award for Professional Excellence was established to recognize members' contributions to the organized Bar as a whole and to their community. Named in honor of and in recognition of J. Robert Elster's contributions to the NCADA as a founding member, and as someone who exemplifies the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethics. The Award for Excellence in Trial Advocacy was established in 2018 and first presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting. This Award recognizes members who are eminently qualified to advocate for clients in state and federal courtrooms. They are considered by the NCADA as among the finest trial lawyers in the state. The Outstanding Volunteer Award was established in 2014 to recognize a member or members for exceptional contributions to the Association having gone "above an beyond" all of the invaluable contributions made by our members. ChairJ. Robert Elster Award for Professional ExcellencePAST RECIPIENTS
(*deceased) Excellence in Trial Advocacy Award2024 Isaac N. Northup, Jr. |