Lynette asked if I would provide a brief update on what is happening at DRI during these trying times, and I am happy to do so.
First, we hope you, your families, and your colleagues are all healthy and safe. I have found a need to reach out and virtually touch someone on a regular basis. I hope you are all staying in touch with your friends and colleagues, and it need not be by Zoom. Make a point to reach out to someone, you both will feel better for doing so.
And, as far as staying connected goes, although many DRI seminars were and will be canceled, most substantive law committees are actively putting on webinars or hosting calls by Zoom or otherwise. This is a great time to get involved. If you are unsure if your favorite seminar is cancelled, the DRI home page has a link to a list of all cancellations. If your favorite one is not on there, check back for updates. Notwithstanding the cancellations, DRI has been putting on webinars for members and non-members. For example, DRI recently hosted two webinars on how to reopen your office, which identified some of the issues you may need to confront as we begin to resume our more normal lives. Both were free, and if they are not already on the DRI website, they should be soon. In addition, a third webinar is coming the first week of June, hopefully. As soon as we know more, we will push it out to Lynette for distribution. These have been available for both members and non-members. I realize the notice sometimes has been a bit short, but to get content out timely, short notice will likely be the norm not only about COVID-19, but also for new webinars. The pandemic has shown that technology is easier to use than we thought, so we hope to get cutting-edge information to you while it is still cutting edge.
In addition, the DRI home page has a coronavirus information link. It includes health information, stay at home orders, and some court information. It also has a direct link to DRI for Life. It should have tips on how to stay sane, or how to try to stay sane, while we juggle, dogs, cats, hamsters, goldfish, children, as well as clients.
Next, as many of you know, John Kouris, DRI's long-time executive director, recently stepped down. After a nationwide search, DRI has hired Dean Martinez as the new Chief Executive Officer. Dean started Monday, April 27. What a time to start, right? Dean is energetic and full of new ideas to increase the value of a DRI membership. I hope you get to meet him at the next DRI in-person event.
DRI service projects continued during the pandemic with a virtual 5-K through DRI Cares. In this time of crisis, many food banks have been wiped out. What better time to have a food drive, fund-raising challenge, or other fund raiser for food banks or similar deserving organizations.
The NCADA Annual Meeting is around the corner. Lynette would have my hide if I did not encourage you to attend, so ATTEND.
Speaking of annual meetings, I would be remiss if I did not mention the Summit, formerly known as the DRI annual meeting. It remains scheduled for October 21-24 in Washington, DC, and we remain hopeful that we can pull this off. If it happens, we will have a regional dinner, cocktails and mocktails, and hope you can attend.
Please be safe,
Jon Berkelhammer