Acoustics In Litigation: Hearing is Ostensibly Believing
Complaints that noise allegedly resulted in health-related damages are becoming more common and less intuitive to fathom. This puts greater pressure on defense to look around and beyond the complaint for facts and context that illuminate a broader issue at hand. Fortunately, the science of sound, acoustics, identifies an intrinsic mix of objective and subjective factors that determine how an individual perceives sound, permitting an investigation to account for cognitive factors when interpreting noise measurements. This seminar will describe how principles of engineering and human factors can leverage the whole gamut of acoustics to guide defense strategies that silence the din of noise complaints.
Presenter: Ryan Harne, Ph.D., P.E., FASME , Managing Engineer
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1 hour General CLE credit requested
Free for Members!
North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys 4441-106 Six Forks Road, #107 Raleigh, NC 27609
Phone: 919-239-4463
Website by Merge Creative Inc.