
NCADA Sponsors IOPL Hometown Debates in September

29 Aug 2016 4:00 PM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

The North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys (“NCADA”) is pleased to participate as a sponsor of the NC Institute of Political Leadership’s (IOPL)****  Hometown Debates. Partnering with local chambers of commerce, IOPL will host three debates featuring key down-ballot races for lieutenant governor, attorney general, and state treasurer.

The live debates will be held on consecutive Tuesday nights in September. Candidates for lieutenant governor, Linda Coleman and Dan Forest, will debate in Wilson at Barton College’s Kennedy Theater on September 13. Candidates for attorney general, Buck Newton and Josh Stein, in Asheboro at the Sunset Theater on September 20. The final debate will be between candidates for state treasurer, Dan Blue III and Dale Folwell, at the Statesville Civic Center on September 27. Each debates will begin at 7 p.m. and is open to the public.

The debates will air on UNC-TV’s NC Channel one day after each event at 9 p.m., and will be broadcast live on radio stations that are part of the NC News Network. The candidates will be questioned by local newspaper editors in each of the three locations.

NCIOPL is a non-partisan, non-profit organization whose mission is to educate future political and community leaders in modern campaign strategy, ethical decision making, and governance, such that its participants will have a sound grounding in ethical behavior, consensus building, and cooperative and collaborative leadership. No other program in North Carolina offers such a comprehensive curriculum in strategic, nonpartisan political leadership development.

The NCADA is a professional association for civil trial attorneys defending individuals and businesses in North Carolina. For more information about the NCADA or the Judicial Candidates' Forum, please contact the Association office at 919-239-4463 or

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