Members & Firms

We believe that every member has a unique story and we want to give you the opportunity to share it with the community. By sharing your story, you can connect with other members and build a strong professional and personal referral network. We encourage you to reach out and get to know your fellow NCADA members. Let's build a supportive and connected community together. 

Share Your Story! We're excited to showcase individuals like yourself. Simply fill out and submit our spotlight questionnaire, upload a photo, and send it to NCADA using the form below to join our waiting list. Then, stay tuned for your moment in the spotlight!  

Member Spotlight Forms: Member 10 years or fewer in practice; Members 10+ years of practice

  • 22 Oct 2023 10:18 PM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    MEET: Trisha L. Barfield

    Trisha Barfield is a litigation attorney specializing in commercial defense at Carruthers & Roth, P.A. in Greensboro, NC. Trisha received her J.D. in 2017 from Elon University School of Law and joined NCADA in 2020.

    Join us in getting to know Trisha a little bit!

    What drew you to the practice of law and to a litigation and trial practice? Before law school, while working as the Executive Assistant to the Health Director of Cumberland County, North Carolina, my boss at the time looked at me one day and said, “You should go to law school,” and my immediate response was “You’re crazy!” I had never considered it before then, though I knew I had always wanted to pursue a post-graduate degree of some sort and was considering an MBA or MPH program at the time. After two years passed, I realized I could not stop thinking about the idea of going to law school, so I decided to give it a try and never looked back. I entered law school knowing I wanted to be in court.

    If you could meet one person, dead or alive, to grab a coffee with, who would it be and why? Bob Barker. I grew up watching the "Price is Right" every day after school and always dreamed about getting on the show. After seeing the feature about him, his life and accomplishments, after he passed away recently, I think it would be fascinating to talk to him for a few to learn and gain words of wisdom about how he approached all things in his life, personally and professionally, with such ease, charisma, confidence while maintaining a pleasant demeanor when interacting with others.

    What are you reading or listening to? I am not currently reading or listening to a book, but if I were it would be a suspenseful thriller. At times, I listen to crime podcasts and, I try to listen to "The Mindset Mentor" podcast daily while getting ready for the workday.

    What excites you the most right now? I got engaged recently, and my part time “job” planning our 2024 wedding is one of the most exciting things to me right now.

    Describe your perfect day outside of work. At the beach with my fiancée and our Siberian Husky, Mellie.

  • 15 Oct 2023 8:32 PM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    MEET:  George W. Miller, III

    George W. Miller III is a partner at Haywood, Denny & Miller, LLP located in Durham, NC. He specializes in insurance defense and holds a degree from Campbell University, graduating in 1996, and has been a member of NCADA since 1999.  Join us in getting to know George a little better!

    What drew you to the practice of law and to a litigation and trial practice? I enjoy the competitive nature of the work and I enjoy being exposed to infinite fact patterns. Every case is different, and every litigant has their own particular foibles. It is fun to watch and interact with human nature.

    How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life?  I find it helpful bouncing fact patterns, theories, practice tips and results off of colleagues. It can give you confidence that you are heading in the right direction.

    What would you do if you were not a lawyer? Probably a High School football coach.

    What is the biggest career challenge you’ve had to overcome? My lack of technology skills.

    What is your favorite legal movie or TV show and why? Currently, Suits. While totally unrealistic from the legal perspective, I can relate to Harvey. Historically, The Firm. While not for the same reasons as Tom Cruise experienced, I can see how one can get trapped in a firm.

    Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you? I lived in DC and worked for a US Senator before law school.

    If you could meet one person, dead or alive, to grab a coffee with, who would it be and why? Thomas Jefferson. Guy had some pretty good foresight.

    What is the strangest thing you’ve ever done? I Skydived in College. After completing all the prep and training, and about 5 minutes before we were to go up for my first jump, the business owner took me aside and told me that my Dad was representing the company in a lawsuit filed by a woman who’s chute tragically did not open and she was rendered a quadriplegic. While I still jumped that day and a few times afterwards, the experience was suddenly a bit different than I had imagined.

    What excites you the most right now? Personally, all three of my kids are in college, preparing to start out on their own journeys, and my wife and I are loving the empty nest. Professionally, after 27 years of doing it, I feel like I am getting the hang of it.

    What is one piece of professional or life advice you would tell your younger self? Don’t be afraid to go for it. Every case can be settled, that doesn’t mean they should be.

    Kudos to George for fearlessly taking the leap! 

  • 25 Sep 2023 10:00 AM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    MEET: John Willardson

    John Willardson is a long-time member and a past president of NCADA. He is a dedicated solo practitioner at Willardson Law Firm in Wilkesboro, NC, where he also holds the position of Wilkesboro Town Attorney. John is a graduate of UNC School of Law, Class of 1972.  John has also been an active volunteer with the North Carolina State Bar, the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism, the YMCA Northwest North Carolina, and a community volunteer in Wilkesboro where you may have seen him serving up hot dogs at MerleFest!  

    What drew you to the practice of law and to a litigation and trial practice?  In high school, I thought that I would attend law school. At UNC, I double majored in Spanish and Political Science, spent one year in Medellin, Colombia at the University of Antiqouia and by the end of my junior year, had resolved to attend law school. I applied for and was accepted to law school but two weeks after graduation, the US Army requested my presence for basic training at Ft. Polk, LA after which I attended AIT at Fort Sam Houston, TX where I was initially trained as a combat medic and then received advanced training in physical therapy. I served 6 years in Army Reserve medical units. All of that delayed my start of law school until 1969. In law school, I realized that my interest was in litigation and having grown up in Santa Monica, California, expected to live and work in a large city. However, following law school, I had the privilege to serve as research assistant to the late Judge Robert A. (Fred) Hedrick of the North Carolina Court of Appeals and while clerking at the NC Court of Appeals, Governor Robert Scott appointed a lawyer from North Wilkesboro, the late Julius A. Rousseau, Jr., as a Superior Court judge. Although neither my wife nor I had ever been to Wilkes County, Judge Hedrick encouraged me to interview with that firm. I did so and was offered and accepted a position to begin in August, 1973 when my position as Research Assistant to Judge Hedrick ended. My wife and I moved to Wilkes County in August, 1973 and have not left. For the last 50+ years, I have engaged in a general law practice with an emphasis on defense law. Our firm’s practice covered many northwest North Carolina counties. In 2014, I became the Wilkesboro Town Attorney and have greatly enjoyed my municipal law practice in addition to my ongoing litigation practice. Since 2015 I have practiced solo for the first time in my career.

    How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life? Membership in the NCADA has certainly broadened my horizons and has allowed me to meet great lawyers and extraordinary people throughout the state.

    What would you do if you were not a lawyer? Were I not a lawyer, I either would have applied for a position with the diplomatic corps or would have pursued advanced degrees with the goal of teaching Latin American/Central American history and/or political science.

    What is the biggest career challenge you’ve had to overcome? As a young associate, it was truly “baptism by fire” beginning with a solo jury trial my first day in the office and one or two solo civil jury trials during the next two or three months. There was little training or guidance other than on the job training and learning through observation. It was certainly a challenge to develop the self-confidence needed to try cases when the only prior experience was in a trial advocacy class in the third year of law school

    What is your favorite legal movie or TV show and why? During the 1980’s, my favorite legal television series was Paper Chase because it was such a reminder of what law school was like. Without question, my favorite legal movie is “To Kill a Mockingbird” because Atticus Finch exemplifies what each of us should aspire to do and be in our respective law practices.

    Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you? I am still hoping to be discovered by a major league baseball team, but am starting to lose hope.

    If you could meet one person, dead or alive, to grab a coffee with, who would it be and why? Without question, it would be the late Dean Smith because he was brilliant, great leader and coach, a masterful tactician and an even better human being.

    What is the strangest thing you’ve ever done? Riding in a single engine Beech Bonanza from the Wilkes County airport to the John Wayne airport in Orange County, CA and back and spending about 22 hours in the cockpit over a 2-1/2 day period.

    What excites you the most right now? Playing tennis, Carolina athletics and the return of NASCAR and the reopening of the North Wilkesboro Motor Speedway after a 26-year hiatus.

    What is one piece of professional or life advice you would tell your younger self? Believe in yourself, be courteous, respectful and professional, politely accept any adverse rulings by the court, avoid showing or voicing emotion in the face of adverse rulings or during opposing counsel’s cross-examination or closing argument, be vigilant and learn from other lawyers, treat other lawyers as you would want to be treated and always be respectful of the presiding judge and courtroom personnel.

    Thanks John for sharing your story!

  • 19 Sep 2023 12:55 PM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    MEET: Erin McNeil Young

    Erin McNeil Young is Senior Litigation for Extended Stay America and is based in Charlotte. In her role with Extended Stay, Erin manages general liability litigation for the company. Prior to going in-house, Erin was in private practice following her graduation from UNC School of Law in 1999. Erin has been an active member of NCADA since joining and is currently serving as an officer of the Association in the role of Secretary. Erin is a breast cancer survivor and shares her journey along with other musings in her blog "Legal Fitness." Get to know Erin and connect with her here!

    How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life?  I have met so many wonderful people – many of whom I am happy to also call my friends. I have learned so much from the seminars and the amazing lawyers who are a part of this organization. I am a better lawyer because of the NCADA.

    What would you do if you were not a lawyer? An event planner – specializing in weddings and baby showers!

    What is the biggest career challenge you’ve had to overcome? Switching gears from law firm life after 23 years of private practice to in-house after being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer.

    What is your favorite legal movie or TV show and why? To Kill A Mockingbird – loved the book and movie. Atticus Finch is the quintessential legal prototype.

    Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you? A lot of people don’t know that I also own a funeral home. I’m not sure most people would consider that “fun” but it makes for some interesting stories. I’m a riot at cocktail parties.

    If you could meet one person, dead or alive, to grab a coffee with, who would it be and why? Shaquille O’Neal. He just seems like such a good, fun, genuine dude. I’d choose another beverage besides coffee though.

  • 04 Sep 2023 7:30 PM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    MEET:  Christopher Rhodes, Jr.

    Christopher Rhodes Jr. is an Associate Attorney with Ellis & Winters, LLP practicing in the firm's Raleigh office.  Christopher obtained his J.D. in 2022 from UNC Chapel Hill School of Law.  We're happy to get to know Christopher a little bit here!

    What drew you to the practice of law and to a litigation and trial practice? What began as an interest in public policy and politics evolved into a desire to want to learn how the legal system works and how I could participate in advocating for others.

    If you could meet one person, dead or alive, to grab a coffee with, who would it be and why? I would truly enjoy the opportunity to grab a coffee with Charles Hamilton Houston. I’m certainly inspired by the work of all the civil rights attorneys who engaged in the profession, however, I would truly like to pick his brain about his approach to amplifying his impact a mentor to so many influential lawyers and how that would translate to the challenges of today’s time.

    What are you reading or listening to? I’m an avid podcast listener. My favorite podcast right now is called Acquired, hosted by Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal. They do fantastic deep dives into publicly traded companies that are both informative and entertaining.

    Describe your perfect day outside of work. A prefect day outside of work would start with a visit to a local Durham coffee shop (shout out to the Daily Beer Bar), then a lunch at any local Durham restaurant. My wife and I have started to indulge in pickleball so an afternoon playing pickleball. Then end the evening at a Durham dive bar. There are plenty in Durham and it’s hard to find a bad one. You may or may not be able to tell that I live in Durham and love it.

    If you could have any superpower what would it be? Definitely fly. I hate driving in traffic.

    How do you define success? Leaving the world in a better place than when you started in it. It can be difficult to believe that this is possible given the divisiveness of social discourse, however, I am very optimistic that starting with the small things (e.g. being a good person, volunteering in your community, mentoring young people) truly do initiate outsized long term impact. Success is planting those seeds of hope and ensuring that those seeds grow as much as possible while you’re alive and able to do something.

    Be sure to connect with Christopher when you're looking for a great dive bar in Durham!

  • 29 Aug 2023 1:38 PM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    MEET Chris Mewborn

    Chris Mewborn is the senior partner at Mewborn & DeSelms, P.A. basing his Workers' Comp practice in Jacksonville, NC.  A 1991 graduate of Campbell University School of Law, Chris has been an NCADA member since 2000.  Chris recently shared a little bit about himself.  Take a minute to get to know Chris!

    What drew you to the practice of law and to a litigation and trial practice?  I wanted to help people that had been treated unfairly and felt the best way I could do that was to stand up and speak for them in a courtroom.

    How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life?  The Weekly Updates are a great way to keep up with case law and legislative changes that impact my practice.

    Fun fact that people probably don't know about you?  I love to fish and try to incorporate fishing when I travel.

    If you could meet one person, dead or alive, to grab a coffee with, who would it be and why?  My Dad, who passed away nearly ten years ago.  He provided a lifetime of guidance and inspiration.

    What excites you the most right now?  Spending time with family at the beach and fishing.

    What is one piece of professional or life advice you would tell your younger self?  Slow down and enjoy the ride.  You will reach your destination.

    We bet Chris has some great fish stories! Connect with Chris to swap stories and go fishing!

  • 14 Aug 2023 11:30 AM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    Meet:  Shelli Simontacchi 

    Shelli L. Simontacchi is a Senior Litigation Paralegal with Hedrick Gardner Kincheloe & Garofalo in the firm's Insurance Defense and Civil Litigation practice. Shelli received her B.S. from Liberty University and her Post-Bacc Paralegal Diploma from Central Piedmont Community College. Shelli is a very active member and is currently chair of NCADA's Paralegal Division. Join us in getting to know Shelli a little better!

    What drew you to the practice of law and to a litigation and trial practice? I was pre-law in college and always enjoyed debating and investigative-type work. I worked in criminal defense for six years prior to working at Hedrick Gardner.

    How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life? I’ve made invaluable contacts with judges, attorneys, other paralegals and vendors. The CLE sessions are defense-oriented and provide paralegals with high quality, relevant information compared to other seminars offered to paralegals.

    What would you do if you were not a paralegal? If I were not a paralegal, I would be a private investigator – which is almost the same thing.

    What is the biggest career challenge you’ve had to overcome? To this day, I’m constantly asked why I didn’t go to law school even though I took the LSAT. I’ve learned to take pride in my career as a paralegal and not to question past decisions.

    What is your favorite legal movie or TV show and why? Legally Blonde because it shows not to judge a book by its cover. One can be fashionable and smart. Plus, orange is the new pink!

    Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you? I climbed a dormant volcano in Hawaii.

    If you could meet one person, dead or alive, to grab a coffee with, who would it be and why?  Giovanni Simontacchi – my great-grandfather. I would love to hear his story about coming over to America.

    What is the strangest thing you’ve ever done? Along with my boss, I visited a client at FCI-Beckley. It was literally like Silence of the Lambs.

    What excites you the most right now? Podcasts - current favorites includes "True Crime & Cocktails", "60 Songs that Explain the 90’s", "Dressed: The History of Fashion", and "The Italian American Podcast."

    What are you reading or listening to? Loyalty by Lisa Scottoline

    What is one piece of professional or life advice you would tell your younger self? Seize the day!

  • 07 Aug 2023 11:12 AM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    Meet:  Daniel M. Nunn

    Daniel Nunn is a Shareholder with Caudle & Spears, PA in Charlotte.  He concentrates his practice in  Business & Construction litigation, and Insurance defense litigation.  A 2010 graduate from the University of Miami School of Law, Daniel has been a member of the NCADA since 2013.  After serving a 3-year term on the Board of Directors, Daniel was installed as Treasurer for the Association to serve a 2-year term this past June.

    How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life? NCADA membership has enabled me to expand my professional network, make new friends, and hone my skills as a litigator.

    What would you do if you were not a lawyer? That changes all the time but right now I would be a professional tennis player (unfortunately in the twilight of his career given I’m over 40).

    What is your favorite legal movie or TV show and why? I would say “My Cousin Vinny” based on the incredibly satisfying cross-examinations and “A Time to Kill” based on the magnificent closing given by Matthew McConaughey. I did not enjoy the “Paper Chase,” perhaps because I hated the Socratic method while in law school which is odd given the nature of my practice.

    Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you? I love to cook and heavily considered going to culinary school before opting to attend law school instead.

    What excites you the most right now? Watching my children grow up. There are good days and bad days but it’s exciting to see it all unfold and it certainly happens fast!

    What is one piece of professional or life advice you would tell your younger self? Practice takes patience and makes permanent.

    Connect with Daniel and schedule a tennis match!

  • 31 Jul 2023 11:48 AM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    Meet:  Kristine Prati

    Kristine is a partner with Wilson Ratledge, PLLC in Raleigh practicing in Workers' Compensation defense.  Kristine is an alumni of the University  of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Law graduating in 2003.  After serving as a leader of our Workers' Compensation Practice Group, Kristen is now serving a 3-year term on the Board of Directors.  Join us in getting know Kristine just a little bit here!

    How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life? It has connected me with other defense attorneys that I would not have spoken to or met otherwise.

    Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you? I am a huge fan of the Dave Matthews Band and Chicago Bears.

    If you could meet one person, dead or alive, to grab a coffee with, who would it be and why? Devin Hester, because he is my all-time favorite player on the Chicago Bears.

    We know Kristine is looking forward to August 12 when the Bears take on the Titans for their first preseason match up!

  • 24 Jul 2023 11:01 AM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    Meet Lucie Peoples

    Lucie Peoples is a litigation partner with McAngus Goudelock & Courie and her practice is based in the firm's Asheville, NC office. Lucie received her JD from Mercer Law School in 2011 and has been a member of NCADA since 2014. Thanks, Lucie, for sharing for a little bit about herself with us!  

    How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life?  While every case is unique, most issues aren’t. Having the ability to reach out to another member for advice or feedback has been clutch.

    What is the biggest career challenge you’ve had to overcome?  Juggling how to be a mom and attorney, something I am still overcoming! Ultimately, I give myself a lot of grace, surround myself with positive influences and role models, and try to enjoy the present. Striking an effective balance is key, but that is different for everyone. Finding your own balance is the key (or so I am told!)

    What is your favorite legal movie or TV show and why?  West Wing, hands down. I absolutely adore this show for so many reasons, even despite some of the (painful) legal inaccuracies. I love the sense of purpose that all the characters possess—small group of people who can change the world, the idealized version of government portrayed, the inspiring monologues, and the fast paced-dialogue.

    Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you?  I am on the  back cover of the Backstreet Boys’ Never Gone album.  Check it out!

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